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Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle Accidents in Las Vegas: What You Need to Know

Cycling through the vibrant streets of Las Vegas can be an exhilarating experience. But with this thrill comes risk. Bicyclists often find themselves vulnerable to accidents, particularly in a bustling city like Las Vegas. Pronto Injury Law is dedicated to helping those injured in bicycle accidents understand their rights and seek the compensation they deserve.

Types of Bicycle Accidents

  1. Dooring Accidents: When a parked vehicle's door suddenly opens into a cyclist's path, causing a collision.

  2. Intersection Collisions: Accidents occurring at intersections due to a vehicle failing to yield or running a red light.

  3. Rear-End: When a vehicle hits a cyclist from behind, usually because the driver isn't paying attention.

  4. Side-Swiping: When a vehicle does not give a cyclist enough space while passing.

  5. Hit and Run: Accidents where the driver responsible does not stop after hitting a cyclist.

Types of Negligence Injuring Bicyclists

  1. Distracted Driving: Motorists texting, eating, or not fully concentrating on the road.

  2. Impaired Driving: Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  3. Speeding: Going over the speed limit or too fast for conditions, not allowing enough time to see or react to cyclists.

  4. Failure to Yield: Not giving the right of way to cyclists at intersections or when making turns.

  5. Poor Road Maintenance: Potholes, uneven surfaces, or lack of proper signage can lead to accidents.

Unique Dangers to Bicyclists in Nevada and Las Vegas

  1. High Traffic Volumes: Las Vegas streets often witness heavy traffic, increasing collision risks for cyclists.

  2. Tourist Drivers: Visitors unfamiliar with the city may not always be attentive to bicyclists.

  3. Nightlife Activity: With the city active at night, the chances of encountering impaired or fatigued drivers increase.

  4. Desert Conditions: Sudden temperature drops and sand on roads can make cycling challenging.

Types of Damages You Can Recover

  1. Medical Expenses: Including emergency room visits, surgery, rehabilitation, and medications.

    Example: After being side-swiped by a car, Jenna needed surgery for her fractured hip and subsequent physical therapy.

  2. Lost Wages: Compensation for time missed from work due to injuries.

    Example: Mark, an office worker, couldn't return to his job for three months after an intersection collision left him with a spinal injury.

  3. Pain and Suffering: For the physical pain and emotional trauma experienced after the accident.

    Example: Nadia developed a phobia of cycling after being injured in a dooring accident.

  4. Loss of Enjoyment of Life: When injuries prevent you from participating in activities you once loved.

    Example: A passionate cyclist, Liam can no longer participate in races due to a traumatic brain injury.

  5. Property Damage: Compensation for your bicycle and any other personal items damaged in the accident.

    Example: Carla's custom-made bicycle was completely destroyed in a hit and run accident.

Whom Can I Sue?

In a bicycle accident, you may be able to sue the person or entity responsible for your injuries. This may include:

  1. The driver of a motor vehicle who caused the accident
  2. A manufacturer of a defective bicycle or bicycle part
  3. A government agency responsible for maintaining roadways or bicycle paths

Products Liability

In some cases, a defective bicycle or bicycle part may be responsible for a bicycle accident. In these cases, you may be able to pursue a products liability claim against the manufacturer.

Wrongful Death

Tragically, some bicycle accidents result in the death of the bicyclist. In these cases, the surviving family members may be able to pursue a wrongful death claim against the responsible party.


If you've been in a bicycle accident in Las Vegas, it's important to know your legal rights and options for pursuing compensation.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. 

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Pronto Injury Law is committed to answering your questions about Personal Injury law issues in Las Vegas, Nevada. We offer a Free Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
